


  • Herb - Basil Cinnamon - Seed Megastore - sku 361
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    Herb - Basil - Cinnamon

    A vigorous plant with a distinct flavour and a strong cinnamon aroma. Height 30-40cm. Used for sweet spicy flavouring. Sowing Time: February Onwards. Sowing instructions: Sow seeds from February onwards 1.5mm (1/16in) deep in good seed compost...
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  • SALE
    Basil-Bush - Seed Megastore - sku 360
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    Herb - Basil - Bush

    Dwarf growing, height 40-60cm. Small leaved variety with leaves roughly half the size of sweet basil. Used for seasoning. Sowing Time: February Onwards. Sowing instructions: Sow seeds from February onwards 1.5mm (1/16in) deep in good seed compost...
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  • SALE
    Herb - Balm Lemon - Seed Megastore - sku 359
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    Herb - Balm (Lemon)

    Often called Lemon Balm. Height 40-60cm. Used for medicinal purposes, seasoning and for flavouring fruit cordials. Sowing Time: September to October.   Sowing Instructions: Sow into pots under cover at a temperature of 20°C . Lightly cover...
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  • SALE
    Herb - Basil Aristotle - Seed  Megastore - sku 358
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    Herb - Basil - Aristotle

    Neat, compact mounds of small aromatic leaves. Foliage of small leaves adds flavour to all manner of dishes. Ideal for pot and patio production. Sowing Time: February Onwards. Sowing instructions: Sow seeds from February onwards 1.5mm (1/16in) deep in...
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  • Herb - Anise - Seed Megastore - sku 357
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    Herb - Anise

    Bushy plant up to 50cm in height. Seeds used in liquors, cakes, soups and stews. Sowing Time: April Onwards   Sowing Instructions: Sow seeds direct into its final container and cover seeds with a fine soil and keep moist during germination or sow...
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  • Herb - Angelica - Seed Megastore - sku 356
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    Herb - Angelica

    Plant grows up to 2 metres in height, with a long hollow stem and fleshy roots. Useful for medicinal purposes and for confectionery. Sowing Time: August Onwards.   Sowing Instructions: Sow in single pots and keep moist.   Growing...
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