
Vegetable Seeds A - C

Vegetable Seeds A - C

  • SALE
    Cauliflower -  White Excel - Seed Megastore - Sku 244
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    Cauliflower - F1 White Excel

    Will put up with dry weather better than most. Sowing Time: Sow seeds between March to April Germination: Germinates at 8 - 30°C. Sowing Instructions: Sow seeds in February into individual pots or seed trays with a good seed compost and cover with...
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    Cauliflower - Igloo - Seed Megastore - Sku 243
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    Cauliflower - Igloo

    Large, firm, white curds, good tolerance of temperature variations. Good vigour and leaf cover. Sowing Time: Sow seeds between Mid February to Mid May Germination: Germinates at 8 - 30°C. Sowing Instructions: Sow seeds in February into individual...
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  • SALE
    Cauliflower - Snow Prince - Seed Megastore - Sku 242
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    Cauliflower - F1 Snow Prince

    Snow Prince is selected for maturing a little later. Sowing Time: Sow seeds between April to May   Germination: Germinates at 8 - 30°C.   Sowing Instructions: Sow seeds in February into individual pots or seed trays with a good seed...
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  • SALE
    Cauliflower - Clapton - Seed Megastore - Sku 241
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    Cauliflower - F1 Clapton - 20 Seeds

    Very erect habit and a well wrapped curd. Sowing Time: Sow seeds between May to June   Germination: Germinates at 8 - 30°C.   Sowing Instructions: Sow seeds in February into individual pots or seed trays with a good seed compost and...
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  • SALE
    Cauliflower - Candid Charm - Seed Megastore - Sku 240
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    Cauliflower - F1 Candid Charm

    Large pure white heads covered by dark green leaves, very fast to maturity. Sowing Time: Sow seeds between March to April Germination: Germinates at 8 - 30°C. Sowing Instructions: Sow seeds in February into individual pots or seed trays with a...
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  • SALE
    Cauliflower -Aviron - Seed Megastore - Sku 239
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    Cauliflower - F1 Aviron - 25 Seeds

    Adaptable variety with extra white deep curds, ideal for fresh market. Vigorous, with good curd protection. Suited to colder autumn and later work, and thrives across the UK. Sow February, to cut July to November.
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  • SALE
    Cauliflower - All The Year Round - Seed Megastore - Sku 237
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    Cauliflower - All The Year Round

    All The Year Round will make very large, tight heads and is one of the easiest to grow. Sowing Time: Sow seeds between Mid February to May   Germination: Germinates at 8 - 30°C.   Sowing Instructions: Sow seeds in February into...
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  • SALE
    Carrot - Katrin - Seed Megastore - Sku 236
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    Carrot - Katrin

    11-13cm good triangular shaped roots with a blunt end and nice tap root and no greening on the shoulders. Excellent flavour. Sowing Time: Sow seeds between March to July   Germination: Germinates at 8 - 30°C.   Sowing Instructions: Sow...
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  • Carrot - Romance - Seed Megastore - Sku 235
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    Carrot - F1 Romance

    Healthy blunt tipped deep orange roots, medium size smooth rich orange finger carrots with the sweetest of flavours.  Sowing Time: Sow seeds between March to July   Germination: Germinates at 8 - 30°C.   Sowing Instructions: Sow...
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  • Carrot - Purple Sun - Seed Megastore - Sku 234
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    Carrot - F1 Purple Sun

    Very intense purple throughout. Excellent raw in salads adding beautiful colour. 135 days from sowing to maturity. Sowing Time: Sow seeds between March to July   Germination: Germinates at 8 - 30°C.   Sowing Instructions: Sow seeds...
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  • SALE
    Carrot - Sylvano - Seed Megastore - Sku 232
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    Carrot - F1 Sylvano

    A Nantes x Kuroda hybrid, with superb sweet flavour and distinctive colour. Shouldered shape and smooth skin. Sowing Time: Sow seeds between March to July   Germination: Germinates at 8 - 30°C.   Sowing Instructions: Sow seeds outdoors...
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  • SALE
    Carrot - Stromboli - Seed Megastore - Sku 231
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    Carrot - F1 Stromboli

    A late maturing Nantes variety suitable for maincrop production and field storage. Suitable for use with lower fertility soils. Sowing Time: Sow seeds between March to July   Germination: Germinates at 8 - 30°C.   Sowing Instructions:...
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